
Video art


Blended time-lapse footage at a famous Berlin subway stop called Alexanderplatz. It uses layers of audio recorded at the site.

Jojo Crawdad

In the Spring of 2021 I drove across the USA for 28 days and collected a wide variety of multimedia source material. I have been slowly working through that archive and producing video with the results. These are a few of the early works.


The visual component of this video comes from footage made with a macro attachment on a DSLR camera. It was then processed in a glitching technique called frame shuffling. I used a Python tool I made called vid2midi to produce the soundtrack. The audio is actually generated from this video signal.

Internet Archive

My video Danse des Aliénés won 1st place in the 2020 Internet Archive Public Domain Day film contest. It was made entirely from public domain music and films released in 1925.

How Deep is the Valley

A pianist named Ting Luo saw my work at a show at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Modern Art and reached out for some collaboration. She founded an organization call New Arts Collaboration and wanted to know if I wanted to contribute some video. Brett Austin composed the music, titled How Deep is the Valley, and I made a custom video piece for it. She played the piece live a few months later in San Francisco.


Supercuts were a novelty in the mid-2000s that were seen on talk shows and such, as a joke. It’s the kind of thing where you can take a politician’s speech and make him/her say whatever you want by rearranging the parts where they say specific words. There are modern tools that make this process simple. Below that clip is a search of a bunch of 70s employee training films for the word “blue”. Another is a stretched supercut of the public domain Orson Welles movie The Stranger. I searched for for sounds that were similar to speech but not actual words or language.

Music videos for Spanner

These long form music videos were made for Spanner. They were constructed with original footage, FFMPEG waveform and vectorscope output, and many layers of effects done manually in Final Cut Pro.

Glitch videos

These short form videos are ~1 minute each, with original audio. They were made with imagery and footage I shot on my phone and then edited, transformed, and layered at a later date. The audio tracks come from a combination of sources, including field recordings, songs made with iOS apps, and music I commercially released on albums. All of the video was generated with a custom workflow on an iPhone using LumaFusion, Synthscaper, Fieldscaper, Defekt, Glitches, Fragment, Kino Glitch, 8mm, Hyperspektiv, Plotagraph, and Virtual ANS. Final processing was done with FFMPEG for distribution.
